Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mongi Bong Bong~

Dear MC Mong 오빠,

I'm a fan of yours since 3 years ago and after I found out about this controversy
I was totally in denial for awhile but I believe in you even till now. Even tho I don't
know what's the truth but since you said it I will believe in you. You are a very nice
person I know it and I'm always sure about this thought ^^ You helped Dalmatian's
Inati and the way you treat your mother from some episodes in 1박2일.
And of course from the lyrics in your songs I know you're a deep person.
I'm going to keep praying for you so that we can see your smile again on TV ^^
[or via twitter ㅋㅋㅋ] and so that we can listen to your new songs~
To be honest since the day you stopped shooting for 1박2일, watching 1박2일 is not
as funny as it is when you were there. So, MC Mong 웃어요!
God Bless you MC Mong :) 화이팅!

Francis, Indonesia

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