Tuesday, November 16, 2010

For MC Mong..

My dearest Shing-dong hyun,
3 years ago I was in a bad situation with my father. I found myself sobbing on the floor, with my music up high, crying to God for a way out. I was going to kill myself. I couldnt see the point throught all the pain. As I layed there a voice spoke to me.

It was you. It was your voice. The song Bimerl (secret) began to play, and i found comfort in your voice. I felt like you were speaking to me. Even though my Korean was only so-so at the time, I knew you understood. It calmed me and got me through the day. The next day I met up with one of my Korean friends and I asked her to translate the song for me... and I was right. You talked about your father, and your pain and you became a source of strength for me. I didnt feel alone.   - YOU saved my life that day. I owe you my life. I'm begging you to stay strong. Forget the haters, they're not worth it. You are ten times a better person then they will ever be.  Think of us who love you, who care about and still need you. God Bless. 

Priscilla, currently in Taiwan

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