I started watching this show before Kim Jong Min had to leave for his duties. Watching MC Mong work so hard as an entertainer, a friend, and a team member on 1N2D, it's extremely hard to believe that he's dodging military duties. Yet so many people buy it. I for one, like everyone else who has commented on this blog, believe that he isn't doing such deeds! It's just not in his character to. It infuriates me to know how fickle fans can be. Regardless of what is going on, I support MC Mong! Mongie Mong Mong, fighting! He puts in so much heart and effort for everyone and everything that he does with sincerity and passion. It's going to break many of our hearts if MC Mong's edited for this reason. 2N1D is not the same without each other, so please let the 6 fellas stick together. MC Mong, this obstacle's not going to be easy to get over, but once you do, you'll become a better & stronger person. You can see who truly appreciates you. Don't cave into what the media has to say, stick to your judgment and reasoning. That's what we love about you, be yourself like you always do ^_______________^. ❤
-Ruby from Toronto, Ontario, Canada *city, province, country* xD
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